About Me
My research focuses on the intersection of geopolitics and identity-framed local conflicts, with an emphasis on Iran and its relations with neighbors. Currently, I am exploring the role of individual and group identity in terrorism and radicalization processes.
- Ph.D., Political Science, UCLA (Dec 2014)
- Master of International Affairs, Columbia University (May 2007)
Languages: Spanish, Persian, German, Italian
Email: Nathan.Gonzalez.3@us.af.mil
Selected Articles/Chapters
“Toward a New Typology of Sunni Jihad,” Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 43, no. 12 (2020)
“Iran’s Maritime Aims: Persistent Approach, Changing Capabilities,” in Howard M. Hensel and Amit Gupta, eds, Naval Powers in the Indian Ocean and the Western Pacific (London: Routledge, 2018)
The Sunni-Shia Conflict: Understanding Sectarian Violence in the Middle East (Orange County, CA: Nortia Press, 2009)
Engaging Iran: The Rise of a Middle East Powerhouse and America’s Strategic Choice (Westport, CT: Praeger, 2007)